Why people choose R. Leong & Co

We get it done

We’re professionals. help me with my thesis If we say it, we do it. And do it well.

We’re finance experts, not sales people.

Our long history of positive results is our sales pitch.

We’re also human. We take ownership. If there’s ever an error, we admit, record it, learn from it, and gun violence essay conclusion continue to offer exceptional service.

Ego-free Expertise

We believe in education above all. That means ask the “silly” questions, we love it! It’s important that you know and understand every step along the way, so you can make informed decisions.

We have invested in our people – great, upstanding people, we might add – so they may provide you a more enriched professional experience, leaving you to focus on the vision and the growth of your business and/or career.

Consistent service

We’re interested in building a long-standing, working relationship with you.

After all, what’s setting long-term goals without getting to feel all warm and fuzzy as we witness you live out your dream.

Our service will be consistent (and quite frankly, exceptional) from the day you and/or your business take advantage of our service(s).

We're progressive

Change isn’t a problem – it’s an opportunity!

We believe our best can always be better, which is why constantly review and appraise our own performance and conduct regular client feedback reviews to see how we’re doing and how we can improve.

It's all about you

Surrounding yourself with the right Finance Team is critical. After all, we’ll be working together with your money – a figure you’ve spent a lifetime working toward.

We’ve got families, just like you, which is why it’s imperative that we take a safe, secure, and supportive approach to any of our available services.

You can be assured that we will act in your best interest at all times, and know that we are as devoted to your goals as you are.

We're crystal clear

We try to make it easy for you.

We don’t use five-dollar words to explain simple concepts. The language we use is as non-technical as we can make it, while preserving the legal meaning of our advice.

Our documentation is clear and simple; so to are our terms and conditions.

If, at any point you’re not sure about a certain point, fact or figure, by all means pick up the phone or drop us an email and pick our brains.

Trusted relationships

It’s important for us to earn and maintain your trust, not just as financial advisors, but also as human beings.

Whether you’re starting your career, building a successful business, rolling along in life, or with financial freedom, we’ll be there to offer advice on the appropriate course of action.

We are committed to your needs not only during the tax and audit engagements, but throughout the year as well.

We're available

We’re available to provide support and advice that is informed, experienced, impartial and aimed solely at your benefit.

It sounds simple, but in a world where the unreturned phone call and email runs rampant, if your Finance Expert is unavailable, you can expect a same-day response.

Preparing for your complimentary consultation

To help you reach your goals for tomorrow, let’s begin with where you are today. When you meet with a Finance Expert, it’s important to bring along your most recent financial paperwork.

Gather statements, passbooks, tax forms and other records that reflect:

  • Current financial assets and security holdings;
  • Investment and personal income;
  • Present tax situation; and
  • Monthly credit and mortgage obligations.

Also, begin giving thought to how your age, occupation, marital status and the interests of your dependents might affect your:

  • Short term and long term investment goals;
  • Tolerance for risk in your investment portfolio; and
  • Expectations for the length of time your money will be invested.
  • Ultimately, the more we know about you, the more options we stand to present to you.

And let’s remember; things change. Times change. Life evolves. New careers, new additions to the family, new homes – we all move in different directions to what we’d once expect.

By developing a close, one-on-one relationship with your Financial Advisor – one where you feel comfortable discussing your needs freely and securely – together, we can best determine when and how your strategies should be modified.

Book A Free Consultation

R Leong & Co Approach

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